Thursday, November 17, 2011

.Days of Summer.

Now that the snow is coming, I am missing those days in California. Being away from Utah helped B and I come closer together. We had so many fun days... probably more then we should have because B was supposed to be working 24/7... but we had fun!

Like the night we watched the Harry Potter movie premier. I love Harry Potter. I developed this love while staying up all night reading each of the books. Jami would get the book first, read it within a day, and would hand it down to me. I would keep all the lights on down stairs because the books were a bit scary, and then I would fall asleep in school dreaming of spells and far away magical schools. So when the FINAL movie came out, I was SOO excited. Brady was so sweet and watched all the past movies with me the week before. The night of the premier we all played fun HP games like... who can remember the most spells... HP trivia.. and pass the magic. I still am pretty sad that there are no more movies or books to come out... so its a good thing we can watch them all over again anytime we want!

We went to the beach all the time. I LOVE THE BEACH! We had the sweetest wardies who let us borrow their surf boards and wet suits. We had a great time teaching ourselves to surf! We also laid out a lot, built sand castles and spent time wishing we lived in Cali all the time.
The swimming pool in our back yard was our favorite past time. We would swim almost every day. We bought some goggles and loved timing each other swim across the pool over and over again. We also worked hard on our dives and flips... we were pretty creative by the end of the summer.

We spent a night in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Hollywood was pretty ghetto but fun to see all the sights. Beverly Hills was gorgeous and is now where our future home will reside. This made b think of the Might Ducks. I had never seen it so we spent another night watching it... I mean watching the FULL TRILOGY!
One night we stayed up way too late. This brought on some weird activities.. like seeing who could fit in the smallest place... we try and go to bed early now days.
From bowling to crafting to ice cream... our summer in Camarillo will forever stay in my heart! I loved shopping at the outlets, walking to the local fabric store and soaking up the sun... hopefully one day we can go back!

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