Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's getting hot out here

Humidity.  This is a new concept for me.  Born and raised in a dry desert, I am having a hard time adjusting to the hot sticky air out here.  I get so excited when there is rain on the forecast, to get a break from the heat, but I have learned that as soon as the rain stops it is even MORE humid.  We really do love it here but a couple things have had to change. 
1. We no longer eat chips.  If you forget to vacuum seal your bag, you are left with waterlogged 
2. We take more showers. Whenever you walk outside, you have immediate perspiration.  B helped move a couple people in this weekend, and each time he came home he was dripping wet.  Looks like our hygiene and water bill will both by going up. 
3. My hair will not behave.  I have naturally curly hair that I have tried to suppress my whole life.  But unless I can find some good anti-humidity product I will be looking like a lioness during our time here in MO. 

{My awesome lion's mane}

Even though the air is palpable here, the firebugs and friends make it worth it.  So I guess we will stay for a while. 

p.s. We unpacked almost everything! We are in the process of decorating and cleaning now so I will post more pictures as soon as we are done! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We are in our place!  It is so fun to have everything in and to sleep in our own bed.  Now the unpacking starts...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

MO fun, MO friends, MO memories

Get it? MO sounds like more but stands for Missouri. Bahaha I saw that pun on a billboard on our way into Missouri and I could not stop laughing.  But we really are having such a great time here in Missouri.  We have already lived here for a month and it has flown by!  Here is just a little recap of the past month.

{The boys getting into just dance}
For the first three weeks we lived with one of the most hospitable and caring couples ever.  Staying at the Hills was so much fun!  I was sick for the first couple weeks, so I was a bit of a party pooper.  However, once I got better it was a non-stop party.

{The girls showing their stuff}

{Dinner at The Lake}
B and I took the weekends to travel out of town.  We went to Columbia one weekend and ate at Texas Roadhouse.  (It made it feel like we were back in UT) We had a great weekend shopping and seeing Iron Man 3, loved it!

My favorite trip we've taken was to see some church history sites.  We went into Kansas City to do some shopping and had a great meal at the Cheesecake Factory.  Then, to save money, we decided to sleep in the car.  We did not take into account how hot it would be and we forgot to pack a pad to sleep on and pillows.  You would think we weren't planning on sleeping there, but we were, we just forgot EVERYTHING.  We spent a couple hours rolling the windows down to cool the car down, then rolling them up because I was too scared, then rolling them down, rolling them up... needless to say we didn't get much sleep.  When we did wake up the next morning we couldn't stop laughing about the kinks we had in our back and neck.

Even with the rough start, the trip was still incredible.  We started the day by going to the Liberty jail.  I would recommend this to anyone and everyone!  We had the sweetest sister give us the tour and the spirit there was so strong.  D&C 121-123 mean so much more to me know.  Those sections give so much hope and comfort for those going through trials.  Hearing about the living conditions that the Prophet Joseph Smith and the other men were in makes you think twice before complaining.  And the fact that they continued to be faithful and write down inspiration is incredible to me.

{Liberty Jail}
{B and the HUGE dog at
the fair}
While we were still in Liberty, we saw a few sites around town.  We had such a fun time at the town fair making hats, painting and drawing with chalk on a car, all B's ideas of course :) We then went to independence and walked around the visitors center.  On our way home we stopped in adam ondi ahman.  Another great experience where the spirit is so strong.

We have one more month until B starts school and you can bet we will live it up! 
{Spreading the good word}