Saturday, July 13, 2013

When the Webb's Come to Town

.Celebrating Papa Webb's BIRTHDAY. 
B has been pretty lonely staying home every day while I’ve been at work.  So he was pretty ecstatic when his parents made the trek out to K-Ville!  When it was time to go we were caught off gaurd.  We had smashed so much into their visit that the time flew by.  I will try and remember everything we did... just know that it was all AMAZING!

The first weekend we made our way up to Nauvoo.  We were able to spend the morning in the Nauvoo temple.  There is such an incredible feeling there.  We went to some houses, a show and ate some delicious food.  We also met up with some missionaries from UT and my aunt and uncle who are serving there as well.  Throughout the weekend it was humbling to think of how much the early saints sacrificed and how grateful I am that they had the faith to do it. 

.They really did have a fun time... it was just SO hot.

The next weekend we celebrated the fourth with a trip to Branson Missouri.  The 5 hour car ride was well worth it!  Thanks to Papa Webb’s good friend, we got ROCKIN deals on everything.  We also got to meet everyone after the shows.  Shows that we would HIGHLY recommend to anyone heading down that way are:

  • IT- More commonly known as The Hughes Brothers.  The five brothers all sing, their wives sing AND all their kids sing!  Everyone is incorporated in the show.  There was so much talent and variety and it was also family friendly.  WE LOVED THIS ONE!!
  • SIX- This is SIX brothers who sing acapella and throw out joke after joke.  These guys were very funny and very talented.  I have never heard such a good impersonation of Louis Armstrong.
  • The Bretts- Another family act with a mom, dad, sister and two brothers.  They were original, patriotic and enthusiastic.  Another incredible show.
  • AYO- These siblings made it to the top five on America’s Got Talent.  I would not be surprised to see them on billboards someday.  The sister is 13 and sounds just like Whitney Houston.  When she belted out the chorus on “I Will Always Love You”, I about jumped out of my chair to sing it with her.
  • The Shanghai Acrobats- People can do some pretty freaky things.  I loved B’s comments on the side… “oh I could do that” or “wow I will so be trying that at home”.  Two of the acrobats did a  number on roller skates and had a rope tying them together at one point.  I couldn’t help but cringe as I to had done a number on roller skates tied to my sister, although that number didn’t end up with people applauding. Roller skates and rope should not be put together.
  • .Welcome to Missouri.
  • We also had a good time at Silver Dollar City until we realized that four adults on a roller coaster that sends you upside down a gazillion times is not a good combination. 

The last night was the best show of all.  We made our way to a restaurant with KARAOKE.  It took some prodding but I was finally able to coax B up on stage to sing with me!  Gosh, did he sound good!  I did not but I had so much fun being on stage with the most HANDSOME man alive!

The time with these two FLEW by and we cannot wait for them to come back! We learned a lot about each other, for one Mama Webb doesn’t like sweaty palms and she doesn’t pronounce the “m” in palms very well. And when you get those two boys together, the puns and witty remarks are endless.  Thanks so much for coming and we can’t wait to see you again soon!! 

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