Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fall Festivities

Fall is my favorite season ever.  I used to think I was unique in my obsession but I am pretty sure that everyone loves fall.  October and November were jam packed with fun activities.  We had to limit ourselves so Brady could stay caught up on his studies.  Here are some fun activities that we remembered to take pictures at! (I need to get better at taking pictures, maybe I need a better camera?) 

.heading into my first surgery for work, and I didn't pass out.
.we hung out with the Wilsons a bunch. We match.

.loving life and my good friends at the phillip phillips concert. 
.B tried to grow his hair out,
he couldn't stand it long so he cut it
.halloween party. 

.yes that is a real pig.
.Fun walk behind the TCC.

1 comment:

  1. Your Halloween costumes never disappoint. Loved it!!!

    PS your are gorgeous
