I was raised in x-large USU sweatshirts. I grew up knowing there was no better dessert than Aggie ice cream. I was taught that you cheer for Utah States football team no matter how many times they break your heart.
I am a true blooded Aggie.
I always wanted to go to Utah State for college and now that my time here is up, I am in shock. How did these past 4 years go by so fast? I know I can't write all the reasons why I love USU in one post, so below are my top 5.
The nature. I probably ate way too many s'mores at bonfires in the canyons, but they were my favorite. B and I would pack up any given night and find a secluded spot in the canyon and just spend the night outdoors.

One of my favorite memories comes from floating down the canal with the Rileys. B thought he was so smart and tried to use a pointy stick to navigate the canal. Pointy sticks and $5 inner tubes from Wal-Mart are not a good match. It may not be B's favorite memory but I could not stop laughing the entire way down. I loved hiking the wind caves and training for my first marathon on the all the different trails.
The athletics. Freshmen year we had a poster with all the Aggie basketball players mounted on the wall. We loved shouting their names and screaming our lungs out at the games. Even though it took me
days to thaw out, it was so worth it to camp out all night so we could get great seats for the game against BYU. Nothing warms you up at a football game like swinging your arms wildly during the Scotsman. I think B and my feelings about USU athletics was professionally portrayed during our 15 seconds of fame on ESPN.
{favorite pictures of recruitment ambassadors ever} |
The traditions. It was so neat to do the same things at USU that my siblings and my parents did. I love that faculty works hard to keep traditions and that students are allowed to make new traditions. I love that B and I are true Aggies. Living with my grandma helped us feel the rich culture as well. I love the tradition of USU.
The opportunities. When going to college I did not want to become anonymous. I wanted to make a difference and have my voice be heard. At USU I was able to serve on multiple committees, recruit high school students, know my professors on a first name basis and even go to South America. USU is the perfect size to give you a big school education with the small school opportunities.
The people. I love that I can relate with every Aggie. My roommates from every year were all incredible and I learned so much from them. My friends from classes were incredible and are now some of my best friends. The teachers cared about me, not only my grades but the kind of person I became. Working in the admissions office gave me a chance to see into the heart of USU. It is people like that who make USU what it is. Their commitment, diligence and selflessness can be felt around campus. The people I met at USU have changed my life.
Even though we are moving across the country, my heart will remain with those Aggies. Hopefully, we can spread the good word out here in MO.
Once an Aggie, always an Aggie.