Saturday, March 23, 2013


Life has been a little hectic to say the least.  I know that this is relative, but for us it has been crazy.  That is why we were so excited to go on an adult only Webb vacation to Vegas!  It was so nice to have something to look forward to and when it finally came, it was well worth the wait.

We drove down with mama and papa Webb on Sunday and I stayed awake for a record time.  I think I was conscious clear until Provo!  When we were about 15 minutes out of Vegas we were warned that traffic was horrible due to a motor cross event.  B whipped out his phone GPS and found a new route that would surpass this traffic.  We were all laughing as we drove past those "suckers" who were stuck in traffic only to be stopped dead in our tracks 5 minutes later.  Well, we could not stand for this so B again re routed us.  This new route took us through a national park that winded, bumped and had a very low speed limit that we almost obeyed. By the time we finally got into Vegas I think it was probably sixes.
We stayed for a week at the J.W. Marriott.  I'm pretty sure that this definition sums up the hotel  
 lux·u·ri·ous : extremely comfortable, elegant and enjoyable
We had stayed at a J.W. Marriott last spring break in Palm Springs (the one where Saved by the Bell was filmed, you know when Jessie's dad gets married. Season 3 Episode 18 &19) and this one was just as awesome!  
We would start our day in the gym that had a great waterfall view then we would all head to the spa.  The spa was same gender only so we had to say 'chow' to husbands in order to get our spa robes and slippers.  We would then go from the sauna to the ice pool to the water fall and most of our time was spent in the floating pool ("perfect temperature to just... float" H.Bird)  I loved this time to sit and talk with the girls.  You would not believe the hours that flew by as we would just chat effortlessly.  As soon as we were all relaxed, we would head out to the pool where we read, swam, ate, played hands up stands up and talked.  Once the sun went down we would head out to dinner then all gather in one room and stayed up way too late eating treats and playing games.  Our favorites were Buzz Word (a family favorite that always pits the genders against each other... yet we all love it) and Greed.  Throw in some bowling and a few movies and this is what we call an extremely comfortable, elegant and enjoyable vacation.

{The only picture we got with everyone! We were playing so much we forgot to take more!}
We had a great time bunking with the birds and always stayed up way too late chatting and watching movies.  We could not have been blessed with more gullible roomies and a special shout out to the front desk clerk who helped our prank along.  Favorite quote came from spunky Kam "Don't diss the FIVES".  She had it right because those two McMillans rocked it in Greed.  B & I loved staying an extra day with mama and papa Webb and could not be more grateful for such generous and fun to be with people, we would spend an extra day with those two anytime!   The only downside to this vacation was no AJ and D.  We sure missed that crazy couple but we are glad that everything was okay with their pregnancy.

The week was exactly what we needed and we are excited for the next vacation... vote for NAUVOO 2014!

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