Saturday, March 8, 2014

Winter Time

 Winter seemed to never end in Kirksville.  It got SO COLD! The temperature would be in the single digits but paired with the humidity, it would create "life threatening wind chills". But with the right friends, we lived through it.  We went late night extreme sledding, played ping pong, drank a LOT of hot cocoa and cuddled with Collins darling girl Izzy.

Brady and our good friend Brett surprised Sariah and I and took us on a little get away to Kansas City for Valentines day!  We thought we were going to Columbia for some dinner but little did we know they had packed us overnight bags and had some big plans.
We first went Salsa dancing!  We were so excited because Sariah and I had been doing Zumba together and had really we really wanted to get our latin on.  The only downside was that the boys had called the day before to make sure that the place we went would be offering lessons but when we got there, there were no lessons available.  So we just started making up stuff on the dance floor and spent a good two hours making fools of ourselves.  We had a very talented salsa dancer come up and tell us to relax because it was "Friday B(%#$@s".

Then the boys took us to the hotel and while Sariah and I got settled the fellas went and splurged on TONS of treats! We spent the night jumping on the beds, laughing hysterically, eating our treats and watching movies.  We woke up the next morning and went swimming. We had the pool all to ourselves! Then we went out for breakfast and for some sight seeing. We ended the day with some delicious Cheesecake Factory. It was a perfect surprise weekend.  The boys had tons they could have been studying but instead they spent the entire weekend with us and didn't even crack open a book!

Other random shenanigans that I missed:
Pictures from the Winter Formal... SO FUN! 

Jami's SUPER CUTE belly!! 

I started doing little girl princess parties.
The little princesses make it so worth it!