We knew Brady was having fall break which meant an ENTIRE week with no school! I didn't think I would be able to take the whole week off of work so we had planned on just going to St. Louis with some friends. Then right before fall break, I found out I could have it off! We immediately changed our destination and set our sights to the west, UTAH!
B and I left right after I got off work to make the 17 hour car ride to see the fam. Side note.. I LOVE car rides, especially with Brady! We spent our time talking, laughing, listening to audio books, eating yummy treats and singing at the top of our lungs (it helps keep us awake). We drove straight through the night, watching the sun go down and back up. Then the party started!
Because we decided to go home on such short notice, we only told one of my brothers and my sister in law. So we spent the first day surprising everyone! We about gave Lichelle a heart attack when we surprised her at the hospital (this champ just spent over 2 months in the hospital on bed rest, she's my hero!) We were able to see our new fighter nephew, Emmett! We were only able to see him in the NICU but I'm already in love and can't wait to see him again! After that we stalked Kam, ambushed Sam, Jami and Addi and got an incredible reaction from Mom, Dad and Tays!
Here are a few of our adventures... next time we will do better at taking pictures!
Fun time with the sisters after shopping! |
Pedi's with the girls. Thanks mom! |
.Pretty intense Volleyball game. |
.Best birthday ever. |
BooooondockS! |
.love these kids. |
.too perfect. |
Our time with the families was jam packed with adventures and our time flew by! The drive back home wasn't quite as fun and our first week back took some adjusting to. But if I've have to be 17 hours away from my favorite people, at least I'm with this guy!