About a year ago, B and I were having a peaceful evening and a very unwanted intruder invaded our home. We found A RAT. To say that we found a rat is a little misleading because we never actually found it... much to my dismay. But we did see it run from place to place. Then someone started screaming and jumping on furniture, it's all a little hazy and I can't quite remember who that was. It was at this moment that my animal-loving, pet-wanting husband configured a plan to get him a new friend. I never wanted to see a rat in the house again and it was decided we needed a cat. Before I could rethink this idea B had found a us a free kitty.
Milly Gina Webb was adopted into our family on a Friday. We named her after my mom who was her biggest fan. My mom was constantly texting and calling us just begging us to bring her home so she could play with the little fur ball... okay that may be bit of an exaggeration.
and work. Since neither of us had grown up with many pets we were not bound by the typical stereo types. As a kitten, Milly enjoyed going to the park and going on walks. As she got older going to the park switched from her chasing us to us trying to find her in the bushes. Her walks no longer consisted of her walking behind or in front of us but by her laying down and being pulled by two very motivating owners. We realized very soon that those stereo types are actually true animal instinct... who knew?
We had a good year with our Milly but with our move coming up it was time to find her a new home. We will miss you Milly Gina but we will forever cherish the time we spent with you.